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This institute, originally established as Officers' Training School (O.T.S.) at Allahabad in 1951, was shifted to Nainital in 1971. In 1974 the institution was renamed as Administrative Training Institute (A.T.I.) and in 1988 it was raised to the status of Uttar Pradesh Academy of Administration (UPAA). In the year 1999, after creation of Uttarakhand as a separate state, the academy was named as Uttarakhand Academy of Administration (UAoA). Now Academy is known as Dr. Raghunandan Singh Tolia Uttarakhand Academy of Administration (DRTSUAoA).

       It is the Apex training institute of the State of Uttarakhand. The Academy is recognized nationally and internationally in the areas of HRD, Trainers' Training, Development Administration, Gender Issues, Urban Development & Management, Water Supply & Sanitation (WATSAN), Forestry & Environment, Community Mobilization and NGO Capacity Building.


Dr. Raghunandan Singh Tolia Uttarakhand Academy of Administration UAoA (Uttarakhand Academy of Administration) originally established as Officers' Training School (O.T.S.) at Allahabad in 1951, was shifted to Nainital in 1971. In 1974 the institution was renamed as Administrative Training Institute (A.T.I.) and in 1988 it was raised to the status of Uttar Pradesh Academy of Administration (UPAA). In the year 2000, after creation of Uttaranchal as a separate state, the academy was named as Uttaranchal Academy of Administration (UAoA). Now Academy is known as Dr. Raghunandan Singh Tolia Uttarakhand Academy of Administration (DRTSUAoA).