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CGG Nainital

Under its fold, Uttarakhand Academy of Administration, Nainital also has a Autonomous body, called 'Centre for Good Governance' CGG, which is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Since January 2004, the CGG is established for providing professional services in research, training, expert advice and allied activities in the area of HRD, Training, and Development Administration.
The Director of academy is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CGG.
Objectives :
  • To work with government departments and other stakeholders analyze key issues in governance, identify solutions, help developed action plans and support implementation of governance reforms.
  • To provide consultancy services to state and local governments and international and national organizations in the areas of design, action research and implementation of governance reforms, including administrative reforms.
  • To study and document the best practices in the areas related to reforms in governance in order to create a bank of best practices and tools in governance reforms, including e-governance.
  • To identify those areas for change that will make the most impact in improving performance and policy making in government and enable it better to respond to the needs of the people.
  • To undertake management change training programmes for government functionaries to effectively carry forward governance reforms covering areas such as leadership, citizen’s charter, action planning, e-governance and human resource management.
  • To help in the growth of professionalism in the area of development administration and effective management of development programmes.
  • To promote HRD and management practices as a major instrument for the development of areas in the endeavors and activities of Government of India; the State Government; Local governments and other institutions and organizations.

डा. आर.एस. टोलिया उत्तराखण्ड प्रशासन अकादमी, नैनीताल के अन्तर्गत सेन्टर फाॅर गुड गवर्नेन्स (सीजीजी) की स्थापना वर्ष 2004 में एक स्वायत्तशाषी एवं स्ववित्तपोषित संस्था के रूप में सोसाईटीज रजिस्टेªशन एक्ट, 1860 के अन्तर्गत की गयी है। सेन्टर फाॅर गुड गवर्नेंन्स की स्थापना का मुख्य उद्देश्य परियोजना आधारित कार्यक्रमों का निष्पादन करने के लिए की गई है। सेन्टर फाॅर गुड गवर्नेन्स (सी.जी.जी.) के मुख्य उद्देश्य निम्नवत् हैंः-

  •  शासकीय विभागों के साथ मिलकर माँग के आधार पर अभिशासन में सुधार के मुख्य बिन्दुओं को चिन्हित करना, उनका समाधान करनातथा कार्ययोजना तैयार कर उस कार्ययोजना को लागू करवाना।
  • राज्य तथा स्थानीय प्रशासन के साथ ही राष्ट्रीय तथा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संगठनों को अभिशासन में सुधार तथा प्रशासनिक सुधार के क्षेत्र में अभिकल्पन, शोध, एवं कार्ययोजना बनाने तथा उन्हें लागू कराने में परामर्श एवं सुझाव देना।
  • शासकीय सुधारों के क्षेत्र में अच्छे कार्यों का अध्ययन तथा उनको अभिलिखित करना, अभिशासन में सुधार तथा ई-गवर्नेन्स के क्षेत्र में अब तक हुए अच्छे कार्यों तथा सुधार के साधनों को संकलित करना।
  • उन क्षेत्रों को चिन्हित करना जो सरकार के क्रियाकलापों तथा नीति निर्माण में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दे सकते हैं तथा जिनसे जन अपेक्षाओं के अनुरूप बदलाव लाया जा सकता है।
  • शासन के लक्ष्यों, उद्देश्यों तथा नीतिगत प्राथमिकताओं को ठोस सुधार के रूप में अनूदित करना तथा शासन के लिए थिंक-टैंक के रूप में कार्य करना।
  • माँग के आधार पर विकासात्मक प्रशासन हेतु उपयुक्त अवसर सृजित एवं उपलब्ध कराना जिससे ज्ञान, कौशल एवं अभिवृत्ति तथा अनुभव का विकास एवं उच्चीकरण किया जा सके।

Units under CGG :

CGG works through its different units to conduct capacity building interventions in various area. Following sector specific units have been established under the CGG, which have their own expertise and area of specializations.
 Urban Affairs and WATSAN Unit  Key Resource Centre (KRC) Gender Issues Cell 

Intellectual Property Right and Human Rights Cell

 E-Governance Unit Project Appraisal & Monitoring Unit
rious projects are going under the above units like JNNURM, Poverty Elevation Through Capacity Building, IYS, Swayam Sidda, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation-Phase III, Capacity building on Land Record Computerization etc.


CGG Organizational Structure







Bhagwati Prasad Pandey, IAS (Retd.)


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Mohammad Nasir, PCS


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Finance Controller


Richanshu Sharma

Finance Controller

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Administrative Officer


K.C. Chaturvedi

Administrative Officer

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Manoj Pandey

Faculty, Urban Development Cell

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Ragini Tiwari

Consultant, Key Resource Centre

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Dr. Anil Mishra Faculty, Gender Issues Cell

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Jagdish Chaudhary

Account Manager



Dinesh Singh Jeena

Office Assistant (Clerk)



Amit Kumar Gaur

Senior Assistant/Store Keeper



Narendra Singh Negi

Technical Specialist



Vinay Kapil




Sweta Pandey

Training cum  Account Manager



Manoj Kumar 

Training Manager 



Rakesh Pant

Library and  Information Assistant



Lata Janoti Gariya

Training Manager 



Asha Joshi

Training Manager



Pooja Arya

Data Entry Operator



Chandu Arya

Training Assistant



Pooran Singh Dangwal




Suresh Arya

Store Assistant  




Dr. Raghunandan Singh Tolia Uttarakhand Academy of Administration UAoA (Uttarakhand Academy of Administration) originally established as Officers' Training School (O.T.S.) at Allahabad in 1951, was shifted to Nainital in 1971. In 1974 the institution was renamed as Administrative Training Institute (A.T.I.) and in 1988 it was raised to the status of Uttar Pradesh Academy of Administration (UPAA). In the year 2000, after creation of Uttaranchal as a separate state, the academy was named as Uttaranchal Academy of Administration (UAoA). Now Academy is known as Dr. Raghunandan Singh Tolia Uttarakhand Academy of Administration (DRTSUAoA).